use std::fmt; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum IrcCommand { USER, NICK, JOIN, PART, PRIVMSG, WHO, MODE, LIST, CAP, PASS, QUIT, PING, PONG, ERROR, Num(u16), } impl IrcCommand { fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option { use self::IrcCommand::*; match s { "USER" => Some(USER), "NICK" => Some(NICK), "JOIN" => Some(JOIN), "PART" => Some(PART), "PRIVMSG" => Some(PRIVMSG), "WHO" => Some(WHO), "MODE" => Some(MODE), "CAP" => Some(CAP), "QUIT" => Some(QUIT), "LIST" => Some(LIST), "PASS" => Some(PASS), "PING" => Some(PING), "PONG" => Some(PONG), "ERROR" => Some(ERROR), s => if let Ok(i) = s.parse::() { Some(Num(i)) } else { None }, } } } impl fmt::Display for IrcCommand { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use self::IrcCommand::*; match self { Num(i) => write!(f, "{:03}", i), cmd => write!(f, "{:?}", cmd), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct IrcMessage { pub prefix: Option, pub command: IrcCommand, pub params: Vec, } impl IrcMessage { pub fn new(pre: Option<&str>, cmd: IrcCommand, prm: Vec<&str>) -> IrcMessage { IrcMessage { prefix: if let Some(s) = pre { Some(s.to_string()) } else { None }, command: cmd, params: prm.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(), } } pub fn from_str(msg: &str) -> Result { // TODO: Wrap in Result<> let mut args = msg.trim().splitn(2, " :"); let mut left =' '); let mut prefix = None; let mut cmd = None; if let Some(s) = { if s.starts_with(':') { prefix = Some(&s[1..]); if let Some(c) = { cmd = match IrcCommand::from_str(c) { Some(c) => Some(c), None => return Err(format!("Unknown command: {}", s)), }; }; } else { cmd = match IrcCommand::from_str(s) { Some(c) => Some(c), None => return Err(format!("Unknown command: {}", s)), }; } } let mut params: Vec<&str> = left.collect(); if let Some(s) = { params.push(s); }; match cmd { Some(c) => Ok(IrcMessage::new(prefix, c, params)), None => Err("Not enough arguments".to_string()), } } pub fn to_string(&self) -> String { let param: Vec = self.params.iter() .map(|s| if s.contains(" ") { format!(":{}", s) } else { s.clone() }) .collect(); // TODO: get rid of clone, also would be better to only check and (...) // replace the last element since we assume that the preceding params // doesn't have any spaces match self.prefix { Some(ref prefix) => format!(":{} {} {}\r\n", prefix, self.command, param.join(" ")), None => format!("{} {}\r\n", self.command, param.join(" ")) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn message_from_string() { let msg = IrcMessage::from_str(":tlx PRIVMSG supes :u suk lol\r\n").unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg, IrcMessage { prefix: Some("tlx".to_string()), command: IrcCommand::PRIVMSG, params: vec!["supes".to_string(), "u suk lol".to_string()] }); } #[test] fn message_from_string_with_multiple_colons_in_trailing() { let msg = IrcMessage::from_str(":tlx PRIVMSG supes :u suk lol :D\r\n").unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg, IrcMessage { prefix: Some("tlx".to_string()), command: IrcCommand::PRIVMSG, params: vec!["supes".to_string(), "u suk lol :D".to_string()] }); } #[test] fn message_from_string_without_prefix() { let msg = IrcMessage::from_str("PRIVMSG supes :u suk lol\r\n").unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg, IrcMessage { prefix: None, command: IrcCommand::PRIVMSG, params: vec!["supes".to_string(), "u suk lol".to_string()] }); } #[test] fn message_to_string() { let msg = IrcMessage { prefix: Some("tlx".to_string()), command: IrcCommand::PRIVMSG, params: vec!["supes".to_string(), "u suk lol".to_string()] }; assert_eq!(&msg.to_string(), ":tlx PRIVMSG supes :u suk lol\r\n"); } #[test] fn message_to_string_without_prefix() { let msg = IrcMessage { prefix: None, command: IrcCommand::PRIVMSG, params: vec!["supes".to_string(), "u suk lol".to_string()] }; assert_eq!(&msg.to_string(), "PRIVMSG supes :u suk lol\r\n"); } #[test] fn message_to_string_numeric() { let msg = IrcMessage { prefix: Some("plankircd".to_string()), command: IrcCommand::Num(4), params: vec!["supes".to_string(), "u suk lol".to_string()] }; assert_eq!(&msg.to_string(), ":plankircd 004 supes :u suk lol\r\n"); } }