Adrian Hedqvist ec131d8bda Too much stuff
* Implemented lua using kaguya, only for config files for now
* Moved color struct to its own header
* statically link glew instead of including the source in the project
* Other stuff that I don't remember
2017-10-18 12:25:25 +02:00

91 lines
2.6 KiB

// Copyright satoren
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "kaguya/config.hpp"
#include "kaguya/traits.hpp"
#include "kaguya/utility.hpp"
namespace kaguya {
/// @brief any data holder class for push to lua
class AnyDataPusher {
int pushToLua(lua_State *state) const {
if (empty()) {
return 1;
} else {
return holder_->pushToLua(state);
AnyDataPusher() : holder_() {}
template <typename DataType>
AnyDataPusher(const DataType &v) : holder_(new DataHolder<DataType>(v)) {}
AnyDataPusher(AnyDataPusher &&other) : holder_(std::move(other.holder_)) {}
AnyDataPusher &operator=(AnyDataPusher &&rhs) {
holder_ = std::move(rhs.holder_);
return *this;
template <typename DataType>
AnyDataPusher(DataType &&v)
: holder_(new DataHolder<DataType>(std::move(v))) {}
AnyDataPusher(const AnyDataPusher &other) : holder_(other.holder_) {}
AnyDataPusher &operator=(const AnyDataPusher &other) {
holder_ = other.holder_;
return *this;
bool empty() const { return !holder_.get(); }
struct DataHolderBase {
virtual int pushToLua(lua_State *data) const = 0;
// virtual DataHolderBase * clone(void) = 0;
virtual ~DataHolderBase() {}
template <typename Type> class DataHolder : public DataHolderBase {
typedef typename traits::decay<Type>::type DataType;
explicit DataHolder(DataType &&v) : data_(std::forward<DataType>(v)) {}
explicit DataHolder(const DataType &v) : data_(v) {}
virtual int pushToLua(lua_State *state) const {
return util::push_args(state, data_);
DataType data_;
// specialize for string literal
template <int N> struct DataHolder<const char[N]> : DataHolder<std::string> {
explicit DataHolder(const char *v)
: DataHolder<std::string>(
std::string(v, v[N - 1] != '\0' ? v + N : v + N - 1)) {}
template <int N> struct DataHolder<char[N]> : DataHolder<std::string> {
explicit DataHolder(const char *v)
: DataHolder<std::string>(
std::string(v, v[N - 1] != '\0' ? v + N : v + N - 1)) {}
standard::shared_ptr<DataHolderBase> holder_;
/// @ingroup lua_type_traits
/// @brief lua_type_traits for AnyDataPusher
template <> struct lua_type_traits<AnyDataPusher> {
static int push(lua_State *l, const AnyDataPusher &data) {
return data.pushToLua(l);