* Implemented lua using kaguya, only for config files for now * Moved color struct to its own header * statically link glew instead of including the source in the project * Other stuff that I don't remember
318 lines
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318 lines
8 KiB
// Copyright satoren
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include "kaguya/config.hpp"
#include "kaguya/error_handler.hpp"
#include "kaguya/type.hpp"
#include "kaguya/utility.hpp"
namespace kaguya {
/// @brief StackTop tag type
struct StackTop {};
namespace Ref {
/// @brief NoMainCheck tag type
struct NoMainCheck {};
/// @brief reference to Lua stack value
class StackRef {
lua_State *state_;
int stack_index_;
mutable bool pop_;
StackRef(StackRef &&src)
: state_(src.state_), stack_index_(src.stack_index_), pop_(src.pop_) {
src.pop_ = false;
StackRef &operator=(StackRef &&src) {
state_ = src.state_;
stack_index_ = src.stack_index_;
pop_ = src.pop_;
src.pop_ = false;
return *this;
StackRef(const StackRef &src) = delete;
StackRef &operator=(const StackRef &src) = delete;
StackRef(const StackRef &src)
: state_(src.state_), stack_index_(src.stack_index_), pop_(src.pop_) {
src.pop_ = false;
StackRef &operator=(const StackRef &src) {
if (this != &src) {
state_ = src.state_;
stack_index_ = src.stack_index_;
pop_ = src.pop_;
src.pop_ = false;
return *this;
StackRef(lua_State *s, int index)
: state_(s), stack_index_(lua_absindex(s, index)), pop_(true) {}
StackRef(lua_State *s, int index, bool pop)
: state_(s), stack_index_(lua_absindex(s, index)), pop_(pop) {}
StackRef() : state_(0), stack_index_(0), pop_(false) {}
~StackRef() {
if (state_ && pop_) {
if (lua_gettop(state_) >= stack_index_) {
lua_settop(state_, stack_index_ - 1);
bool isNilref() const {
return state_ == 0 || lua_type(state_, stack_index_) == LUA_TNIL;
int push() const {
lua_pushvalue(state_, stack_index_);
return 1;
int push(lua_State *state) const {
lua_pushvalue(state_, stack_index_);
if (state_ != state) {
lua_pushvalue(state_, stack_index_);
lua_xmove(state_, state, 1);
return 1;
int pushStackIndex(lua_State *state) const {
if (state_ != state) {
lua_pushvalue(state_, stack_index_);
lua_xmove(state_, state, 1);
return lua_gettop(state);
} else {
return stack_index_;
lua_State *state() const { return state_; }
/// @brief Reference to Lua value. Retain reference by LUA_REGISTRYINDEX
class RegistoryRef {
struct RefHolder {
struct RefDeleter {
RefDeleter(lua_State *L) : state_(L) {}
void operator()(int *ref) {
luaL_unref(state_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, *ref);
delete ref;
lua_State *state_;
RefHolder(lua_State *L, int ref)
: state_(L), ref_(new int(ref), RefDeleter(L)) {}
RefHolder(const RefHolder &src) : state_(src.state_), ref_(src.ref_) {}
RefHolder &operator=(const RefHolder &src) {
state_ = src.state_;
ref_ = src.ref_;
return *this;
RefHolder(RefHolder &&src) : state_(0), ref_() { swap(src); }
RefHolder &operator=(RefHolder &&src) throw() {
return *this;
void swap(RefHolder &other) throw() {
std::swap(state_, other.state_);
std::swap(ref_, other.ref_);
int ref() const {
if (state_ && ref_) {
return *ref_;
return LUA_REFNIL;
void reset() { ref_.reset(); }
lua_State *state() const { return state_; }
lua_State *state_;
standard::shared_ptr<int> ref_;
struct RefHolder {
RefHolder(lua_State *L, int ref) : state_(L), ref_(ref) {}
RefHolder(const RefHolder &src) : state_(src.state_), ref_(LUA_REFNIL) {
if (state_) {
lua_rawgeti(state_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, src.ref_);
ref_ = luaL_ref(state_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
RefHolder &operator=(const RefHolder &src) {
state_ = src.state_;
if (state_) {
lua_rawgeti(state_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, src.ref_);
ref_ = luaL_ref(state_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
} else {
ref_ = LUA_REFNIL;
return *this;
RefHolder(RefHolder &&src) throw() : state_(src.state_), ref_(src.ref_) {
src.ref_ = LUA_REFNIL;
RefHolder &operator=(RefHolder &&src) throw() {
return *this;
void swap(RefHolder &other) throw() {
std::swap(state_, other.state_);
std::swap(ref_, other.ref_);
int ref() const {
if (state_) {
return ref_;
return LUA_REFNIL;
void reset() {
if (ref_ != LUA_REFNIL && state_) {
luaL_unref(state_, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref_);
ref_ = LUA_REFNIL;
~RefHolder() { reset(); }
lua_State *state() const { return state_; }
lua_State *state_;
int ref_;
RegistoryRef(const RegistoryRef &src) : ref_(src.ref_) {}
RegistoryRef &operator=(const RegistoryRef &src) {
if (this != &src) {
ref_ = src.ref_;
return *this;
static int ref_from_stacktop(lua_State *state) {
if (state) {
return luaL_ref(state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
} else {
return LUA_REFNIL;
RegistoryRef(RegistoryRef &&src) throw() : ref_(0, LUA_REFNIL) { swap(src); }
RegistoryRef &operator=(RegistoryRef &&src) throw() {
return *this;
RegistoryRef() : ref_(0, LUA_REFNIL) {}
RegistoryRef(lua_State *state) : ref_(state, LUA_REFNIL) {}
RegistoryRef(lua_State *state, StackTop, NoMainCheck)
: ref_(state, ref_from_stacktop(state)) {}
RegistoryRef(lua_State *state, StackTop)
: ref_(util::toMainThread(state), ref_from_stacktop(state)) {}
void swap(RegistoryRef &other) throw() { ref_.swap(other.ref_); }
template <typename T>
RegistoryRef(lua_State *state, const T &v, NoMainCheck)
: ref_(0, LUA_REFNIL) {
if (!state) {
util::ScopedSavedStack save(state);
util::one_push(state, v);
ref_ = RefHolder(state, ref_from_stacktop(state));
template <typename T>
RegistoryRef(lua_State *state, const T &v) : ref_(0, LUA_REFNIL) {
if (!state) {
util::ScopedSavedStack save(state);
util::one_push(state, v);
ref_ = RefHolder(util::toMainThread(state), ref_from_stacktop(state));
template <typename T>
RegistoryRef(lua_State *state, T &&v, NoMainCheck) : ref_(0, LUA_REFNIL) {
if (!state) {
util::ScopedSavedStack save(state);
util::one_push(state, standard::forward<T>(v));
ref_ = RefHolder(state, ref_from_stacktop(state));
template <typename T>
RegistoryRef(lua_State *state, T &&v) : ref_(0, LUA_REFNIL) {
if (!state) {
util::ScopedSavedStack save(state);
util::one_push(state, standard::forward<T>(v));
ref_ = RefHolder(util::toMainThread(state), ref_from_stacktop(state));
~RegistoryRef() {
try {
} catch (...) {
} // can't throw at Destructor
/// @brief push to Lua stack
int push() const { return push(ref_.state()); }
/// @brief push to Lua stack
int push(lua_State *state) const {
if (isNilref()) {
return 1;
#if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502
if (state != ref_.state()) { // state check
assert(util::toMainThread(state) == util::toMainThread(ref_.state()));
lua_rawgeti(state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref_.ref());
return 1;
int pushStackIndex(lua_State *state) const {
return lua_gettop(state);
lua_State *state() const { return ref_.state(); }
bool isNilref() const { return ref_.ref() == LUA_REFNIL; }
void unref() { ref_.reset(); }
RefHolder ref_;