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# dungeon
A work-in-progress, cross-platform roguelike written in C++ using SDL2 and OpenGL.
## Compiling
### Linux
* Install SDL2, Lua53 and GLEW using your distro's package manager
* Create a directory named "build" and run `cmake .. && make` inside it
* Move either the resulting binary to the root folder of the repository or copy the assets folder into the build directory
* You can now run the binary
### Windows
I really need to fix a hassle-free way to build this shit on windows.
Currently, you need to import the source as a new project in visual studio and set up the dependencies yourself. (SDL2, Lua53, GLEW, OpenGL)
## Future plans
### To-Do
* [ ] A main menu
* [ ] Dungeon generation
* [ ] Make entities and AI completely data-driven
* [ ] Implement Lua for item/effects/action scripting
* Might as well use it for basic data storage as well, since I can then skip creating my own parser or adding an additional library for json/yaml/toml/whatever.
* [x] Initial implementation
* [ ] Items
* [ ] Status Effects
* [ ] Spells
### Wishlist
* [3D view similar to this experiment I made in Unity](https://imgur.com/dUfj0DX)
* Depth that rivals dwarf fortress (good luck, me!)