Adrian Hedqvist ec131d8bda Too much stuff
* Implemented lua using kaguya, only for config files for now
* Moved color struct to its own header
* statically link glew instead of including the source in the project
* Other stuff that I don't remember
2017-10-18 12:25:25 +02:00

85 lines
2.3 KiB

#include <cstdlib>
#include "FleeNode.h"
#include "Pathfinder.h"
#include "BehaviourTree.h"
#include "Actor.h"
#include "Tilemap.h"
#include "FieldOfView.h"
FleeNode::FleeNode(BehaviourTreeNode* parent) : BehaviourTreeNode(parent) {}
FleeNode::~FleeNode() = default;
BehaviourTreeStatus FleeNode::tick(BTTick * tick) {
Pathfinder::DijkstraMap dijkstra;
Tilemap * map = tick->target->get_map();
std::vector<vec2i> enemyPos;
bool ishero = tick->target->is_type_of(ACT_HERO);
vec2i targetpos = tick->target->get_position();
auto actors = tick->target->get_map()->get_entities(targetpos.x, targetpos.y, 6, ENTITY_ACTOR);
for (auto ent : actors) {
auto actor = (Actor*)ent;
if (actor->is_type_of(ACT_HERO) != ishero) {
vec2i pos = actor->get_position();
if (line_of_sight(tick->target->get_map(), tick->target->get_position(), pos)) {
if (enemyPos.empty()) {
return BT_FAILED;
Pathfinder::calcDijkstraMap(map, &enemyPos, &dijkstra, 16);
std::vector<vec2i> safety;
for (int x = 0; x < dijkstra.width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < dijkstra.height; y++) {
if (dijkstra.getValue(x,y) <= 0 && dijkstra.getValue(x, y) >= -10) {
safety.emplace_back(x, y);
Pathfinder::calcDijkstraMap(map, &safety, &dijkstra);
vec2i pos = tick->target->get_position();
std::vector<vec2i> neigh = map->get_neighbours(pos.x, pos.y);
std::vector<vec2i> options;
float lowestval = 999999;
for (vec2i npos : neigh) {
float val = dijkstra.getValue(npos.x, npos.y);
if (val < lowestval) {
lowestval = val;
else if (val == lowestval) {
if (options.size() >= 8) {
//printf("FLEEING SUCCESS\n");
return BT_FAILED;
while (!options.empty()) {
int i = rand() % options.size();
vec2i next = options[i];
vec2i dp = next - pos;
if (tick->target->move(dp.x, dp.y)) {
//printf("FLEEING val:%f\t(%i,%i)\n", lowestval, next.x, next.y);
return BT_RUNNING;
options.erase(options.begin() + i);
if (options.empty()) {
return BT_FAILED;
return BT_FAILED;