Adrian Hedqvist bb40711f84 Too big of a commit again
* Add and started using a proper state machine class
  * Uses a "StateResult" struct to handle state switches
* Add timers
* Move imgui to its own folder
* Add logger (not used yet)
2018-04-02 22:24:54 +02:00

32 lines
1.1 KiB

// Created by Adrian on 2017-09-23.
namespace ImGui {
/* // [table src] https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/513#issuecomment-240388455
// Usage:
static const char *headers[] = {
"Index", "Color", "Flip?", "Filename"
static float widths[ IM_ARRAYSIZE(headers) ] = {};
if( ImGui::BeginTable("WinTextureContent", headers, widths, IM_ARRAYSIZE(headers)) ) {
// Draw as many rows as needed
for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
ImGui::Text("%d", i); ImGui::NextColumn();
ImGui::ColorButton( ImVec4(0.5f,0.2f,i*0.3f,1.f)); ImGui::NextColumn();
ImGui::Text("%s", i % 2 ? "yes" : "no"); ImGui::NextColumn();
ImGui::Text(__FILE__); ImGui::NextColumn();
int BeginTable(const char* columnsId, const char** headers, float *widths, int count, bool border=true);
void EndTable();